To You:
You deserve better; so much better than what you had before. He doesn't realize what he had or what he lost and he can't see or appreciate all the things that you've done for him. Don't let him bring you down when you have so much going for you; don't let him hold you back from getting what you want. No, he doesn't see it at all, but I hope you do realize that you most definitely are a masterpiece. At least, I see your full potential.
As for myself, I don't know what I'm doing. Whether I should stop or keep trying. Most of the time I don't even know if I'm helping you out or making things worse. You know they say that opportunities only come once in a lifetime; and I feel that you are most definitely one of my once in a lifetimes. I'm not quite ready to give up so easily. I mean how can I give up after all that has happened? It's weird, usually I'd be able to just get over something like this; but we shared so many connections and similarities that attachment just came so quickly. And we did things that only existed in my imaginations, dreams, and ridiculous hopeless romatic scenes in my mind.
There are times, however, when I do feel like I should give up as much as I don't want to. I guess it's only natural that I feel that way sometimes. I can only go so long with one way communcation without reciprocation. I asked you to tell me if I'm doing something wrong, but I haven't heard a reply yet; so does that mean I'm doing something right? Don't tell me to stop for my own personal benefit because you think you're holding me back or to not worry about you; I'm doing this for you because I want to.
I can't let this go, I don't want to let this go. I want to help you smile because you deserve it. I'll always remember what you told me I deserve...
"You know Jared, I was thinking about it, and well, I want to take you around the world. You know how you can't take just anybody when travelling? Well, I want to take you; you deserve it."
Like I said, I don't know if I should stop trying or to just give up; but if there's one thing that I'm going to continue holding on to, it's hope. Hope that one day, that someday, things will be right.
From: Me