SORRY, this is my first non-sensible blog in a long time...
LOVE it! She's turning into a slut but I love it!
Be careful whose advice you buy, but be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia; dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it’s worth.
Sometime's it's hard to find the right words to say to someone when they need help; all it takes is some soul searching. Then again, maybe somebody has already experienced what you have and has discovered the perfect play of words to set the stage for something beautiful.
I've learned that not everybody is fully appreciated for their entire self and often times people are taken for granted. I've seen it, I've experienced it, I've learned from it, and I've changed from it. I hope this piece of advice solves the puzzles of your past, present or future.
Basically, you were the potter and I was your clay. You were doing such a great job. We were doing such a great job. But, you had to stash this piece of art in your back room along with the rest of your past. I guess I just wasn't what you wanted or expected. But you know what they say, "one man's junk is another man's treasure." And take note of that word: treasure. Someday, I will find somebody who will value my worth. Somebody that will want me for my love and all I have to give. Somebody that will accept me for who I am. I'll move onto bigger and better things, and you will be the one stuck in that cluttered back room, overwhelmed with your past. With our past. And it'll be too late when you finally realize that you created a masterpiece.
I honestly don't know where this originated from, but I'm borrowing this from my friend's blog where he borrowed it from another's.
It's amazing what one's story can do to others; you see, without physically seeing the writer, you've already made an emotional connection with them. You don't even know who this person is, but if there's one thing you can guarantee and appreciate is that you know they've helped you.
Here's an old entry of mine actually from my myspace that I've never transferred onto my blogger:
The greatest irony of love is loving the right person at the wrong time, having the wrong person when the time is right & finding out you love someone after that person walks out from your life & sometimes you think you're already over a person but when you see them smile at you, you'll suddenly realize that you're just pretending to be over them just to ease the pain of knowing that they will never be yours again. For some they think that letting go is one way of expressing how much you love the person. Most relationships tend to fail not because the absence of love, love is always present. It's just that one was being loved too much & the other was being loved too little as we all know that the heart is the center of the body but it beats on the left. Maybe that's the reason why the heart is not always right. Most often we fall in love with the person we think we love only to discover that for them, we are just for past times, while the one who truly loves us remains either a friend or a stranger. Here's a piece of advice: Let go when you're hurting too much. Give up when love isn't enough, & move on when things are not like before. There is someone out there who will love you even more, surely then, you will know true love...
Share stories; share love.
I love Valentine's whether or not I have somebody to celebrate it with. There's only one day in the year that's dedicated to love. I didn't have a Valentine's this year, but spent yesterday giving my friend's ideas on how I would have spent it if I had one and feeling good about myself.
PostSecret had an awesome post this week:
"Be Mine, Nothing More, Nothing Less"
This year, I gave my friends ideas so they would:

Feel like this:

Not regret this:

Tell a story like this:

And realize this:

I do realize that I've gotten all of these from PostSecret; but I must say, that I loved this week's post.
2, <3, & :)
Why must we personify haircuts with change?
As life dictates every individual's story, hair is the single witness to attest to your experiences. It has gone through all the times that you've had, or had not, and all the successes and failures that you've had, or had not. In a sense, as you grow more as a human being, your hair grows just as much and signifies every adventure you've taken. By cutting your hair, you're letting go of the past experiences, holding on to the roots of new acquired knowledge, and growing into something new.
Why must we personify haircuts with change?
I remember the times when my hair wasn't done. Sometimes it was up, at times it was down, usually it was messy, but it never needed to impress anyone. It was in a place called home; close to the heart yet far from hands. I could wake up in the morning and let it do what it wanted to do, it honestly didn't matter as long as it was comfortable... and there goes another strand; I see it fall. It fell from the back of my head, the back of my mind. Memories of home so sweet and dear; I took it for granted for what it had to offer. Old time friends with old time memories now lay on the floor scattered in pieces. There's more room now for a new house and hopefully new memories.
Why must we personify haircuts with change?
My hair was always neat for situations such as these; so cut and so clean. Fresh and unique, made to stand out and grab attention as it seemed. At the top of my head was life's greatest happiness and greatest despair; a universal need called love. My hair went around in all directions: straight, left, curled, under, flipped, licked, and even twisted. It came to the point when there was just too much to handle so I'd put on a hat or beanie to cover the disaster. Hiding a mess doesn't solve the problem; it just makes it un-discoverable to the eye until you've come home, taken it off, and realized there's still nothing you can do to fix it... much hair has been cut yet the roots remain. Hopefully to grow in a new direction, rather than the same.
Why must we personify haircuts with change?
I never paid attention to this part, I sort of put if off to the side. It wasn't too much of a hassle until recently. The sides of my hair grow slowly yet surely; regardless of what I want or do not want. I'm growing up, time won't pause for age. Eventually I will be a man and the child in my heart will remain in my dreams. I see familiar strands fall again. Nothing is stopping it's growth and the direction isn't changing; but at at times it's alright, let's cut the age gap, and feel younger once more.
Why must we personify haircuts with change?
There are some things in life that you aren't ready to cut out or maybe even strands of hair that have grown the same as before. A love or an item you thought you had lost may have come back unexpectedly without notice; or better yet with. It's the first thing you see when you get up, it doesn't seem to listen to you, it bugs you the whole day, it's the last thing you think about before you sleep, yet ruins the entire picture. There it lies, front and center of your head; there's not much you can do with it, but deal with it in the end. Maybe eventually it will listen, maybe eventually it'll change, maybe eventually you'll like it; but then again maybe you won't. For now I'll keep it there, just for old times sake; I won't cut you out of my life, but you're on the center of my mind and the reason my head aches.
Why must we personify haircuts with change?
Hair once blinded my eyes, deafened my ears, covered my face, and hid my lips. A haircut cleans the past, provides a new slate, and an allows unknown future...
... and so it ends; my eyes can see again, my ears can hear again, my face can feel again, and my lips can kiss again.
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