I miss my friends way too much right now. I mean, MORE THAN EVER. God, I mean, having a whole bunch of things to do, stress all over the place, feels like I have nobody. Even though I have a lot of people, I just want to be with my friends again. I want to go stargazing, I want to go to V-town just to mess around. Go running around in the sprinklers and playing hide and go seek in the grocery stores. Run around the parking lot while being pushed in shopping carts into trucks and playing man hunt while forgetting about people who are hiding. I want to play freeze tag in the middle of the night and have those long walks in the dark knowing that we’re SAFE walking around. We can’t do that here in Pomona, you might get shot or something. Let’s go look for some buried treasure or just lie around in a Van. Let’s crack some jokes and pick up lines and talk about everybody we know. Figure out whose day it is because it’s never going to be mine. But if it were my day, I’d just want to hang out with you guys. Let’s go play some instruments or even sing on the karaoke. Let’s sneak into rated R movies even though we’re legal. Let’s TAKE PICTURES AT SCANDIA PLEASE!! Run around the golf course playing tag. Let’s play tennis and hit each other! Let’s go trash can surfing. Just kidding to both of those. Let’s watch movies and wrestle! Let’s forget about school because “we don’t need first period!!.” Let’s DANCE in the moonlight! At prom, as Unison, at winter formal, clubs, homecoming. OH man it doesn’t matter! Just having good ol’ times and having a blast. Having water fights and falling asleep in cars looking up at the moon roof when it’s too cold because we love the starts THAT MUCH. Let’s get lost while walking in the middle of the night and not even worry about it. Who wants to be my date? You’ll have to buy the food though… Let’s go to Ontario, Rancho, anywhere! I’ll even let you guys do the rock on me… maybe. Let’s hide in our secret spot that makes us happy. Forget about our troubles. Let’s just keep reminiscing about the millions of things that we haven’t mentioned because it seems that all we have now are memories… Woompa guys, woompa… =(
His Will
Well, these past few days have been quite something! I don’t usually write blogs in quick succession but I felt that I just had to with all that has happened in such a short amount of time. Let’s start with Ambiance!
So I made four poems/spoken words for it. I personally enjoyed all of them that I wrote. Two of them were funny, one was for opening, and one was REALL EMO! I decided not to read it for the sake of the crowd. Not all the people who I wanted to be there to hear mine were there… but it was all good! Then there were the singers. Great kids. As always, musically talented kids always inspire me. I actually have started (though not much success) writing my own song! Rock on huh? It’s on the piano since that’s the only instrument I know how to play and its HARD trying to attempt to sing and play at the same time! Not to mention that it only sounds good sometimes. Maybe I’ll try it out next time we have a night like that (which may be awhile…). But overall, I had a good time. APITG has really had its effects on me!
Now let’s talk about Lent. I’ve decided to give up myspace (except on Saturdays) and all meat (except fish and eggs). I think it’s going to be hard, but I’m doing it for Him! I know I could do so much more too, like totally give up on myspace. Even a lot of my friends are telling me, “You know Jared, you could do something more like making yourself a better person… blah blah blah.” Dude, I just have to say I agree with you, but beside the point, Lent you are supposed to give something up. I gave that up and I am also planning to go to Church whenever possible. The BNP is planning to have mass every night during Lent; that’s where I plan to be! Besides, I love God; he’s a really cool guy. He’s the reason why I wake up every morning!
In addition to that, I went to the BNP for Lent. I felt bad because I met a lot of family I haven’t seen in a long time and they were like, “Oh! Jared is that you? Do you remember me?” and I was like, “ehhh…..” I felt bad. It’s alright! I’m beginning to get to know my family once again! I want to join the youth so badly. They seemed a little stuck up at first… sorry if I was mean. But then again, I was also kinda quiet so whatever. I DO want to hang out again though! I plan to join their class towards the end of March for a retreat. It’s going to be fun! I’m really excited for this Lent!
Well school has been a real life taker for me. I haven’t had any sleep at all this quarter and THANK GOD it’s almost over! But I still have several reports to do along with studying for finals and practicals. But Barkada is keeping me busy as well. So many events I can’t keep up with it all! But, I’ve been controlling myself instead of the other way around. I’ve missed out on several events in order for me to catch up on school. They’re expecting me to be part of E-board next year… I dunno about that. But anways, Sports Fest is coming up! I’m playing volleyball. Overall, I think that our team has gotten a million times better!
Anyways, there is A LOT more going on right now, but I have to get back to doing my homework. Just wanted to write down the crash course of my life as of now. Stay cool.
On Replay: I Love You, Goodbye//Nina