Oh what a week what

Friday, November 03, 2006

Oh what a week what a week...

... so much has happened in a week!  Im getting tired of writing lesson blogs rather than things that actually happened.

Anyways, besides that, heres a basic breakdown of all that has happened this week.  I think Ill start with the SPUF Halloween party at Kyleens house.  I will say that I had a lot of fun that night; though there are some things that I cant even remember about it.  I was gagging that night; too much to drink I guess...  well, remember how I said that I said some so called minor things that bothered me at Lumpia Night?  Well, I guess it wasnt as small as I thought... I kind of broke down that night.  Hello Emo.  Toilet hugger.  I do sort of regret that night, but then again I sort of dont as well.  I feel more relieved that I got those issues out for people to know, and I also got to bond with my Ading; like hella bond.  Rhea was there to comfort me as well.  I never thought that I would break down in public... it just happened.

The usual came around during the week; practice, volleyball, workshops, and meetings.  School is very stressful right now, Im having a difficult time concentrating from lack of sleep.  Thursday night I drank again before and during Speedzone; I think I made a fool of myself.  It was all good fun though; I do think that I need to settle down for real.  Once again, I bonded with my Ading and got to chill with the Guys.  Die Hard style.  If you cant tell, Im really glad that I got Mark as my Ading.  God knows hes probably reading this right now (Hey Ads).  Things are looking good for the future.

If there is one thing that is bothering me a lot though is that I am missing my inners like crazy.  I cant stand it.  Im happy to be home this weekend, though I am missing a lot of Barkada events.  Im glad to be home to be able to hang out with my family and chill with the Incredibles, Inners, and all of my friends that I miss.  Sunday will have to be a study day though.

That is what is bothering me, but my drinking is making me really scared...  Im officially a social drinker.  And I have been identified as a talkative drinker; I cant stop talking when I drink.  I really do think that I need to settle down.  Four times in this past three weeks I drank; one of them going a bit over the top.  Theres even a party next week... not with Barkada but with the Inners, its going to be Graces birthday.

Im losing Faith; its so bad.  It is bothering me the most every night.  Im sure Ive said it before, but I do pray every night.  When I do pray, all I do is say sorry for not doing the right thing.  After saying it so much I dont even know if I mean it or not...  I know the path to get on the right track once again, its just waiting for me to jump on.  I need a push.

I want you to know, if youve read this far readers, that though I do have all these concerns in my mind, overall, I am very happy.  Im happy with the friends Ive made, the bonds Ive made, and the family Ive made.  Im very content with how things are.  The issues stated before are exactly what they are, issues.  Those things bring me down; however, there are just too many things that are keeping me up.