Happy New Year! First week of the New Year and I plan to change myself. Ive gone through a lot this year and Ive learned a lot about myself as well. Ill dont regret anything that has happened this past year. This past year was probably the greatest year of my life; I can honestly say that. I may not have ended the year with the great feelings that started me last year, but I plan on starting new with the new year. New Year, new me. If youre reading this now, good job; you should know that I plan on writing in my blog every Sunday night. I have several New Years resolutions planned out for this year. Of course theres the usual become healthier, more self conscious, get back to church, and get in better shape resolutions; but I do have others in mind. FIRST I would love to spend less than twenty dollars a week on food not counting groceries; HUGE money saver. Next I would like to attempt to make a new friend every week. Increase my social skills ya know?
I spent this year with wonderful people, too many people to name out. Im sure if you read the blogs from before you know who Im talking about. A lot more people have learned about me and my life, others have yet to find out. This year is about change for me. It may take only a couple of weeks, months, or maybe even the whole year; regardless, this year is about change for me. Changing myself for the better. Its about time I mature a little. Ill be taking a break from Barkada for a little while; for real this time. And Im most definitely not going to step into the API this quarter, at least try not to. Its too much of a distraction from my studying. No more procrastination either; thats not only going toward my studies. Its also towards my lifestyle. GET THINGS DONE. I want to be on top of things.
This past week was a good week for the beginning of the year. Unfortunately, I did miss church today; though I was planning to start off the year by trying my best to go to Church weekly. BUT today I was planning to go, we had a family get together today for lunch so I couldnt make it. Tomorrow Im beginning my intense work outs. Im still practicing every night. This year is going to be good. I didnt want to start off the year with the same feelings that I had ending last year. So if I had a glass in my hand I would say CHEERS to the new year! And thank you to everyone who made last year absolutely memorable. You all should know who you are…
I love you.
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