Monday, February 25, 2008

I had a dead week this week. Nothing much happened. Wednesday we had our last volleyball game and we lost to a hard team; its all good though, I hope we get better in time for Sportsfest! Everybody came over my apartment that night after the game just because it was free and we needed something to do. All we did was play video games, eat, and draw on my white board. Its actually beginning to fill up.

I had my IBM Midterm this week as well, I did pretty well. Almost an A, I got a B. I think I have an A in the class because I got an A in my first midterm and everything else seems to be going well.

Also in this week, Mark came over because he was too tired from his midterm in the morning; just got some rest and chilled until I had work. It was fun because we havent chilled in awhile. Later on in the same night, there was a kick back at the guys new apartment. It was fun, I saw Ana after who knows how many weeks. I kind of ruined their plans on walking around Fullerton but we still had a good time just chillen there. I got kind of buzzed, I had to stay over. We played my board game called Ive Never. Revealed a lot of secrets and learned a lot from everybody; hilarious. I started speaking in Spanish at the people in Albertos. Perry got mad at me but it was all fun.

Mark had a flat tire earlier this week; hence I learned how to change one. I let him borrow some tools and we got it all done. Ive never learned how to change a tire but it was pretty cool learning how to. I kind of just caught him while he was trying to fix it when I called him. Anyways, we got that finished with then I headed out back to the apartment.

Just yesterday after I chilled at home for a little bit, Caleb and Chris came over again. We ended up playing the Wii in our huge projector. We played Halo and Super smash brothers. It was actually a lot of fun; Ive never really done any extreme gaming like that with a huge screen. Of course I won at Smash brothers; haha what can I say? Im gifted there.

Yeah it was pretty much a boring week… maybe something more interesting will happen this week…

The most important part of a relationship? Love. Give it, take it, show it, and embrace it; I deserve better…