Everyone wants to be seen as a hero, as a saint, as an amazing individual with skills and trademarks that set them apart from the crowd. To perform the impossible and to be rewarded for their humane and courageous acts making them seem anything but human. To save lives, to inspire, to make their mark, to influence, to make a difference, and in general to be an genuine role model for followers to imitate. The world is their pallet and they are the artist shaping it into what is said to be good and justice. I am one of those individuals who wish to do that and I am one of those individuals who accomplish the aforementioned. I speak, I write, I act, and I perform. I am a legend...
I still bring a lunch bag to school everyday.
My heart breaks for your loss. All I can do is remain mute while I watch your world crumble. Unfortunately, for myself and yours, my actions have only contributed to your downfall rather than your uprising.
Bon chance mon amis; je suis tres desole.
... then again it's always been the same problem between you and I; bad timing. Bad timing to hurt me, and most definitely bad timing to hurt you. My intentions were never to bring your world down but to turn things around; a task that takes time and rather than paving a path I've sent you off blind down a dangerous forked road.
May I simply be a small segment from your past nuances left behind with all your unnecessary memories and may you find the silver lining in your clouded days.
There is nothing I can do anymore; but watch you disappear down a trail that not even I can tell you where it ends.
I wish you the best.
FYI#40: You’ll have to understand that at some occasions, it’s best if you don’t get involved and remain a ghost in another person’s life.
It's so much easier to forgive and to forget and to not worry about guilt and disappointment... or wait, disappointment? By forgiving, of course you don't have to worry about guilt, but disappointment?