Wow. Today was our first E-Board meeting. Good stuff. Im really excited for this years board. We are going to have a great year! Hopefully we will be able to meet the expectations of last year and possibly exceed them. I know we can do it. Ive got my work cut out for me along with the rest of the board. My summer is pretty much complete taken up. I mean, theres definitely going to be a lot of fun with Barkada, but I dont want to be completely left out of my old buddies you know? I really want to spend time with my Incredibles and Inner Circle. I guess whatever time I can find Im going to use it spending time with them. Ive got summer school and that doesnt take up too much time, I just have to make sure that I dont procrastinate on my work. The work at VVC is really easy though. Its a huge relief compared to Cal Poly. This summer is going to be really exciting! Everything seems to be going by so fast. A lot of my summer has been spent doing so many things, no time to relax always busy doing something. Then again, thats just how I like it. My cousin Nicolle graduated! Wooo congratulations! We have several grad parties to go to this summer too =). I love summer and the beach!
Jared, its a little unfair. I really think you should reconsider your own feelings before putting others in front of you... for as long as Ive known you, youve been doing this and I dunno... sometimes I cant believe and I dont understand why you do the things you do for them. You give up your own hopes to bring light to others... why? If it makes you feel this way... why?
It was a conversation something like that. Maybe not word for word, but it was something like that. Truth is, I dont know why I do that. I cant seem to be able to do something that I want to do if it causes harm to somebody else regardless of my feelings. Its not peer pressure because I have a strong resistance to some things. But I try, I really do, I go after my own passions but if I see that it hurts somebody else Ill give up cause it just doesnt feel right. I want to be able to be a [ ], I want to be able to [ ], I want [ ], but I refuse to allow myself to even if I can get what I want... why? (Ive left those blank because I dont know what to place in there except in some cases I do know but shall remain in secret...) Cause in almost every case, it bothers somebody else, and I CANT STAND that. Guilt hurts me just as much as disappointment whether its from my family, my friends, or even my so called enemies.
Its all about YOU Jared, its all ABOUT YOU and nobody else...
Yet another conversation with another friend. I thought that I could grasp that concept. He asked me what is the one thing that you want? It took me a long time to answer... and I gave whatever came up at the top of my mind, I said that I wanted to go to Heaven when my life is over... I want my golden ticket. Thats what I want in the end... but I didnt know what I wanted right now... and to tell you the truth, I still dont. And theres just no way it could be all about me... cause how could I expect to leave an impression on everybody if its all about me? If its all about me, where does everybody else fit in? I dunno... I want to go after my own dreams, but sometimes I just have to give it all up... cause I will always believe that its all about you and NEVER about me... Im too selfish. Im sorry bro, I dont think that I can ever truly grasp that concept of yours...
The beach was great. I was so excited to go since its been a long time since I went to the beach. I think it was the first time this year I went to the beach! Crazy! I missed it a lot though. I missed all the BBQs, the bonfires, the smores, the ocean in general, the talks, etc etc. Im going again on Monday with The Incredibles so its going to be a blast since we always make the best of it.
So I start summer school on June 19. I was only able to get two classes though because the transfer credits arent that good with VVC to Cal Poly. Its alright though... Im just going to have to make it up sometime in my years of college. Summers going to be fun! I can feel it. Ive got a good number of plans for summer already with friends, family, and Barkada. And speaking of Barkada...
... banquet was fun! I really had a good time. I wasnt going crazy though, I was acting real chill. My date was cool, and I won some really cool votes! The food was alright... it was like one of those fancy restaurant servings where they give you like a quarter of what you really want for four times the price that its really worth(dont worry though, the food at banquet was free!). I won best dressed for boys, Im not too sure how that happened when I just go to school with a shirt and pants... or do I? =P. Jowee won for girls. I also won freshman of the year. Wow! Along with Lyssa. Aww, Im not going to see her for the rest of summer maybe. So, then we had E-board positions announced. I won for external rep. NICE! So, thirteen positions are as follows:
- Historian: Vince
- External: Me
- MCC: Pat
- BEC: Dom
- Treas: Rhea
- PR: Anne
- Academics: Erin
- Cultrual: Leo
- Social: Jowee
- Sports: Perry
- Sec: Joy
- Vice: Ana
- Pres: Mike
Chad gave me his word. Haha. Well, to a well year! It was fun. Im the youngest E-board member... but dont count me out! Im going to bring some great things to this family.
Argument for the blue book:
Well, there seems to be a bit of controversy about this so called mistake. So I will explain to you why I am CORRECT in claiming that this image is in fact a BLUE BOOK.The argument is based on the following premises:
1) Its not blue
2) Its not a book
Now here is my claim for believing that it is in fact a blue book.
The first premise is that:
1) It's not blue
Well, there is some blue in it, it may not be completely blue, but I would agree that there is some blue. As it does take the two primary colors to make that color, blue being one of them and yellow being the other. But seeing that it could be arguable, I could let that slide with me being 50% accurate...
The second premise is that:
2) It's not a book
WELL, I think I win this one 100%. If you look at the picture, you don't even have to look at it closely, it says in big bold letters [Mini Essay BOOK.] Now I may be wrong, but I think that that evidence is a very reliable reason to believe that it is in fact a book.
So in conclusion, if we add both of these percentages together, I was 75% accurate, since both of these premises make up half of the overall accuracy and I was 50% accurate on the first premise and 100% correct on the second, averaging them out makes me 75% accurate. Now I may be wrong again, but I won the higher half of being correct than incorrect and because you can only be correct or incorrect, I was CORRECT in saying that that is in fact a blue book. If you have any questions feel free to call 1-760(yes Victorville)-IAM-RIGHT =). Good day.
PEACE & Love
I cant do it. I cant take [it] away from [him]. [He] adores [it], and I would be the worst person in the world to steal [it] away... even though I want [it] too, but Im undeserving. I better just let [it] go...
[For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.] I guess that goes with [it] as well. To gain [it], one must lose [it]...
God, please provide me with the graces to let go, even though I dont want to... please, I cant do it... please, break my heart... for them... because Ive made a mistake not knowing the whole situation... but at least whisper for me if you can...
Replay: Whisper Ernie Halter
-Tell me, what kind of man, lets love slip away and leave such a good thing behind?
[hint] think high school...