Argument for the blue book:
Well, there seems to be a bit of controversy about this so called mistake. So I will explain to you why I am CORRECT in claiming that this image is in fact a BLUE BOOK.The argument is based on the following premises:
1) Its not blue
2) Its not a book
Now here is my claim for believing that it is in fact a blue book.
The first premise is that:
1) It's not blue
Well, there is some blue in it, it may not be completely blue, but I would agree that there is some blue. As it does take the two primary colors to make that color, blue being one of them and yellow being the other. But seeing that it could be arguable, I could let that slide with me being 50% accurate...
The second premise is that:
2) It's not a book
WELL, I think I win this one 100%. If you look at the picture, you don't even have to look at it closely, it says in big bold letters [Mini Essay BOOK.] Now I may be wrong, but I think that that evidence is a very reliable reason to believe that it is in fact a book.
So in conclusion, if we add both of these percentages together, I was 75% accurate, since both of these premises make up half of the overall accuracy and I was 50% accurate on the first premise and 100% correct on the second, averaging them out makes me 75% accurate. Now I may be wrong again, but I won the higher half of being correct than incorrect and because you can only be correct or incorrect, I was CORRECT in saying that that is in fact a blue book. If you have any questions feel free to call 1-760(yes Victorville)-IAM-RIGHT =). Good day.
PEACE & Love
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