Dear Readers,
This may in fact be my last blog of the year. Im just going to have a small recap of what has happened this year of 2006 and my thoughts of it.
It was my first year of college. It was great. It was fun. It was stressful. It was sad. It was happy. It was crushes. It was heartbreaks. It was cultural. It was Barkada. It was religious. It was faithful. It was experiences. It was new. It was old. It was Incredibles. It was Inner Circles. It was love. It was hate. It was reminiscent. It was missing. It was forward. It was backward. It was APITG. It was poetry. It was spoken word. It was nervousness. It was relaxation. It was comforting. It was emo. It was no meat. It was no myspace. It was all myspace. It was musical. It was wishful. It was full of sleep. It was absolutely no sleep. It was all nighters. It was BNP. It was commuting. It was awkward. It was athletic. It was lazy. It was repetitious. It was performances. It was fake. It was true. It was PCN. It was guilty. It was disappointment. It was proud. It was dance. It was E-Board. It was Banquet. It was soul searching. It was philosophical. It was enlightening. It was retreat. It was prom three. It was expressive. It was withdrawals. It was rewarding. It was beach trips. It was about counsel. It was about nominations. It was about freshmen. It was about dress. It was about pointless arguments. It was caught in the middle. It was priorities. It was optimism. It was pessimism. It was volleyball. It was sportsfest. It was family. It was lessons. It was summer. It was no time. It was trust. It was awesome. It was complicated. It was simple. It was hopeless. It was birthdays. It was coincidences. It was serendipity. It was Tagalog. It was buzzing. It was drunkards. It was knockouts. It was quitting. It was starting. It was ending. It was friendship. It was winning. It was sinning. It was losing. It was Ading. It was clubbing. It was snowboarding. It was chilling. It was hiding. It was finding. It was sexy. It was ugly. It was Mah Jongg. It was karma. It was Vegas. It was workful. It was free. It was changing. It was staying the same. It was Die Hard. It was interesting. It was parties. It was love...
... it was love.
I thought that this year was awesome. I kind of made this blog extremely fast because I dont feel like putting everything down because it would take a long time. Whatever. If you are really interested in my life, you would have read up to this point now eh? This year, by far, has most definitely been one of the best years of my life. Its really shell breaking, social, and extreme. I like it. I love it. Ill never forget it. Heads up for the new year! Its not over. Ive still got my secret santa to do tomorrow and new years eve is coming up! There will be many surprises as well.
Resolution: I have six goals this year: To get back in shape, get a 4.0 at least in one quarter, become more musically experienced, *heart heart*, get a job or internship, and one last one that will be a secret[as well as the most difficult and important one].
I just wanted to say that my New Years Resolution came true. =) IF you can remember what it was. This was most definitely a great first year of college and a great beginning for my second year of college. I know Ive still got plenty of time to recap on what has happened this year, in fact, my next blog is probably only going to be on reminiscing about what has happened this year.
Anyways, just to jot down what has happened in this past week, I got to hang out with the inner circle. YES! We went ice skating and it was A LOT of fun. I recorded other people falling and I broke other peoples chains just for fun. My vacation is SO chill, Im getting a lot of rest and relaxation and it feels great! Though something is missing...
I reformatted my computer and its VERY FAST now. I got all the classes I need and Im shooting for the 4.0. YES! I really want it after I did horrible this quarter. I need to raise my overall GPA. But right now school is being very nice to me as Im very fortunate to have gained those classes that were full.
I still have a lot of plans until school starts. We still have our usual traditions coming up like Secret Santa and looking for the best Christmas lights. I got invited to Christals birthday party this Saturday, Ill see if I can go... Its Sammys birthday in approximately fifteen minutes. Were planning to go snowboarding and more. Greta and I really have to hang out sometime soon since we hardly get to hang out at all. I got to hang out with the Incredibles for a little bit when they were over. Dont worry, Ive been doing at least one SMALL thing a day. Usually it just involves going over Karlas house for FIVE minutes or just doing some errands. Not to mention all the things that were doing with the family. Were planning to officially get a townhouse/apartment/condo on the 27th and the move in time will probably be a month or so. This year is coming to an end quickly. This year is definitely a good one, but I anticipate an even better one next year =) Ill let you know of my new years resolution for 2007 in my next blog.
I am now happy. I am now comforted. I am now great. I am now good. I am now relaxed... I am now HAPPY.
... I am also scared, but you know, I did get FIFTEEN hours rest; Go figure!
School isnt the only thing either =)
I pulled an all nighter last week on Thursday night. No sleep there. On Friday was the Christmas Party at the PR house; that lasted late but I went home early; still, I stayed up late packing and yet again got no sleep since I had to wake up really early. Ski trip was this whole weekend so obviously on both days, I had no sleep.
The funny part is when I slept Monday night, my Dad called me and said WAKE UP JARED! Youve been sleeping all day! And I got MAD because there was no sun out and when I checked the clock it was 5:00 and shouted back saying DAD! Its 5:00 in the morning!! And my Dad responded by shouting JARED! Its 5:00 in the AFTERNOON! And I was just thinking Oh my God... I cant believe that I slept for 15 hours. Ive never done that before; and even more embarassing for the whole entire day of Dec 12th, I didnt see any sun at all. Its like, where did the day go?
I truly am a horrible person to cause such harm to so many people...
... and karma seems to attack me...
[possibly more details later]
[begin second post of the day]
2nd post of the day:
WORD to this song.
Just listen...
[already in love]
[let me know if Im wasting my time]
[end second post of the day]
Ew. I am getting fat. Its kind of ugly... Could it be the drinking?
This leads to my next point; after so many nights of drinking [pretty much once or twice a week of drinking for the past seven weeks] I am going to take a break; no more drinking until ski trip. I had a horrible hangover before my debate which was stupid. In fact, I shouldnt even be drinking at all. It seems that all my blogs are about drinking recently... Its really bad. But what can I do?
Anyways, lets talk about another thing. I finally got to spend the weekend with my family in Vegas! It was a lot of fun. I got some new clothes and we saw a magic show with Lance Burton. I have a new trick up my sleeve now. As for school, I really give up on this quarter; it was more of a test quarter to see if I could handle board along with school. Obviously, it is not working out so I need to get a little lighter on school. This could be another reason why I am switching majors [all majors are hard though]. I cant wait to start my classes in CIS. I think that I am really going to enjoy doing them. Unfortunately for next quarter, none of the classes will be in CIS but rather for the business major [since CIS is under the college of business]. It felt good to hang out with my family all weekend. All we did was walk around every mall in Vegas [ughh...] but I still had an overall great time.
Now that the weekend is over, I have to get back to work. Back to school, back to stressing, and back to Barkada. Can I tell you something? I really miss my
I had a great weekend. I had so much fun and relaxation and great times with Barkada. I guess you can say that school is still stressing me out like crazy; I cant stand all the work and reading that all my classes give me. They expect the class to do so much as if we dont have any other classes. Well, my last quarter of a Biotechnology major is almost over, so I have to continue working hard and look forward.
First night was the Kuya/Ate/Ading Chuck E Cheese Night. It was the day after our last volleyball game of the Fall Quarter. I definitely enjoyed this event. One of the better times to bond with my Ading. He drank a little bit that night, but it was all good, we still managed to play a lot of games and take a lot of pictures. It was as if I was a kid again playing on all the games and winning tickets. There are definitely going to be more games and times like these in the future; Im very fortunate to have the Ading that I have now.
Our next event happened right after Chuck E Cheese Night. It was our first Bowl4GK event that was made to help with the poverty in the Philippines. Im sure it turned out great, board made a team and we ended up making it to the second round of the brackets. I bowled my highest game of my life this weekend; I got a 164 and a Turkey. It was awesome.
Though Bowl4GK was fun, everybody was more excited to go crazy in Vegas. To put it short, we basically had a crazy time with Vegas and drinking. Im pretty sure I know my limits, I still havent thrown up yet which is good. Drinking isnt good, but I think its inevitable that I am enjoying it now... Anyways, before I begin feeling sorry for all these things, I met Dante Basco; hes Rufio. It was cool; Ana was playing poker right next to him. Other than that, I bonded with my Ading; which is probably why I really enjoyed this trip. For Die Hard nights, we do this thing where we brush each others teeth... I swore I was never going to be taken down by this, but they got me this weekend. All the guys ganged up on my and put peanut butter all over my face, up my nose, and stuck a banana in my mouth. Its all good fun though.
We had a lot of bonding conversations; some were interesting, or better yet, most of them were interesting. Some of them I already knew and some I didnt. Other than that, I just got reminded of the past of probably my only regret. I cant stop thinking about it. But thats the way life goes, and I just have to keep pushing and pushing to get through it all. Crazy thing about this weekend is that I saw two shooting stars outside of Victorville, so I made two wishes; both were the same. God knows; lets hope my prayers and wishes come true. It gives me hope.
Im a weakling, liar, and hypocrite...
I swore I was NOT going to change my major...
... that being said kids; Im changing my major. BOOOOOO!
I got tired and couldnt take it anymore. Looking into switching from Biotechnology to Computer Science OR Computer Information Systems. I like computers; not people [haha just kidding about that part].
Oh what a week what a week...
... so much has happened in a week! Im getting tired of writing lesson blogs rather than things that actually happened.
Anyways, besides that, heres a basic breakdown of all that has happened this week. I think Ill start with the SPUF Halloween party at Kyleens house. I will say that I had a lot of fun that night; though there are some things that I cant even remember about it. I was gagging that night; too much to drink I guess... well, remember how I said that I said some so called minor things that bothered me at Lumpia Night? Well, I guess it wasnt as small as I thought... I kind of broke down that night. Hello Emo. Toilet hugger. I do sort of regret that night, but then again I sort of dont as well. I feel more relieved that I got those issues out for people to know, and I also got to bond with my Ading; like hella bond. Rhea was there to comfort me as well. I never thought that I would break down in public... it just happened.
The usual came around during the week; practice, volleyball, workshops, and meetings. School is very stressful right now, Im having a difficult time concentrating from lack of sleep. Thursday night I drank again before and during Speedzone; I think I made a fool of myself. It was all good fun though; I do think that I need to settle down for real. Once again, I bonded with my Ading and got to chill with the Guys. Die Hard style. If you cant tell, Im really glad that I got Mark as my Ading. God knows hes probably reading this right now (Hey Ads). Things are looking good for the future.
If there is one thing that is bothering me a lot though is that I am missing my inners like crazy. I cant stand it. Im happy to be home this weekend, though I am missing a lot of Barkada events. Im glad to be home to be able to hang out with my family and chill with the Incredibles, Inners, and all of my friends that I miss. Sunday will have to be a study day though.
That is what is bothering me, but my drinking is making me really scared... Im officially a social drinker. And I have been identified as a talkative drinker; I cant stop talking when I drink. I really do think that I need to settle down. Four times in this past three weeks I drank; one of them going a bit over the top. Theres even a party next week... not with Barkada but with the Inners, its going to be Graces birthday.
Im losing Faith; its so bad. It is bothering me the most every night. Im sure Ive said it before, but I do pray every night. When I do pray, all I do is say sorry for not doing the right thing. After saying it so much I dont even know if I mean it or not... I know the path to get on the right track once again, its just waiting for me to jump on. I need a push.
I want you to know, if youve read this far readers, that though I do have all these concerns in my mind, overall, I am very happy. Im happy with the friends Ive made, the bonds Ive made, and the family Ive made. Im very content with how things are. The issues stated before are exactly what they are, issues. Those things bring me down; however, there are just too many things that are keeping me up.
So lets see, were like half way into school now since my last blog that was over a month ago...
Anyways, this time Ill just write about things that have been going on then maybe a little lesson or question that Ill contemplate on in the end.
The first four or five weeks of school were massive stressful, I could hardly handle myself. Too much going on with family, school, friends, Barkada, and all of that. I havent been going to church lately which is bringing me down hard. I got to go last week and it felt great except that I begin feeling so guilty that Im letting so many people down...
Anyways, beside that point, commuting is hurting me physically and emotionally. Eh, so much driving is getting me so tired, I hardly sleep anymore. I really thought that I was going to be able to get a townhouse in Pomona soon; but things arent going as good as I thought. Its totally fine, but there are just some things that made me realize that I may not be at the same level as some of my loved ones. I just dont want to make it too obvious with what I was saying...
... Even worse, I drank. TWICE this week. How bad is that? Im not the kind of person to do something like that at all, I guess there are too many things bothering me and Ive been needing some relaxation... I ended up talking about all my problems putting burdens on those who were listening. God, I hate when that happens, I hate talking about my crap. Im sure I could handle things on my own; so I didnt say a lot, just some minor things that are bothering me.
On a happier note, we have been working on this event called friendship games that happened on Oct 21rst. Of the thirty two schools that went, our very own BARKADA won the SPUF trophy. As a whole the entire club has been working hard on creating the props and the huge jail cell. It was amazing. I lost my voice now and its really hard for me to talk, I want to go karaoke now.
Cool two, we also started volleyball again! Finally, a great way to release stress since I cant really practice martial arts anymore... I lost some of my skills but Im sure it will slowly come back to me.
Cool three, I got an Ading. How tight is that? I adopted him after my volleyball game. We ended up drinking and going to a club that night with Barkada. Dont worry kids, Ive never been drunk, just buzzed. Not that its a good thing though... Only on special occasions I guess or I need to relieve some stress. Anyways, hes a cool ading, I think hes better at me at everything. Shoot, I won winter formal prince; he was King. Better than me at Guitar Hero, probably better than me at Piano also. I dont know about Mah Jongg yet, but well see how that goes. Poster making, yeah hes ten times better than me. Its kind of weird, Ive never had a younger brother, I dont know how to treat him. My younger sister, I just be crazy over protective, but a bro? Well, Im proud to have an ading now; its going to be fun.
Anyways dear reader, please do not bother talking to me about my blogs, cause I notice that when I post them up talking about me at a personal level rather than as questions, I get bombarded with questions from everybody. No discussing this, after all its supposed to be somewhat of an online journal.
Ive got a lot of homework due tonight so I have to get crackin on it, stay safe kids, and stay fresh.
Sigh, shes pretty... To be continued...
A birthday wish. I dont know what I want for my birthday, in fact Im pretty sure that there isnt anything material that I could want. But after some thought, an obvious answer came to what I want for my birthday...
... it sounds kind of hopeless and sounds kind of pathetic. But its what I want. Maybe I know already, maybe I dont. Either way, please stop playing, stop making me jealous, unless something is going to start; though I know there is nothing. If not that, then at least Im praying and wishing for something new. Im ready for something new, or even something old.
Its all too simple, and its the simple things in my life that I appreciate most; but everything is so complicated.
... Hintayin mo ako...
Sorry if worded incorrectly.
Ran out of time. I know Ive probably made a blog or two about time and how we dont have a lot of it; but here is another one. Time is very limited and short; for those who have extra time on their hands, you are very fortunate. Sometimes when you find time to have fun, others seem to run out of it. Thats how I feel now. I found a small glimpse of time to hang out with my good ol buddies, but now theyve started school. Time is precious and try to use every second that youve got. Try to make it so that you dont have extra time and that you would make time if somebody needs it. You know what I mean? Ive come to the conclusion that stress is the opposite of time. If you have time, you dont have stress; however, the less time you get the more stress you get. I say deal with the stress so that youve utilized your time doing something productive. The main point of this right now is that make sure that you make time. Make time for some friends and family and sacrifice from other things. I had to give up time from the carwash and spend time with the family and friends. Spread out the time you have and put most of it into your priorities.
Make time for those who need it but spend time with those who deserve it...
Trust issues. Many people have trouble trusting people because of how they were brought up to be; such as myself. People feel that its best that they put up a front or act how people want them to act just for the factor that it would make other people feel better. I know thats how Ive always felt. Change is a hard thing as well as trusting people especially if you dont want people worrying about you. The thing is, in order to move on, you must trust people. I for one have to begin trusting more people, my friends. Ive only really trusted a selected few individuals who mean the world to me. But that will soon change.
Know that the people who want you to trust them really care for you and would feel much better knowing than not. Even if youve done something that hurts the other people, if they really want you to trust them, than what you tell them wont worsen your relationship with them, it would only make it better. You believe that you are creating a bond by putting up a front; in reality you are only creating a fake relationship. True friendship, true love, and true relationships need trust, support, and truthfulness. Otherwise, there is no point.
As a personal note, I would like to apologize to everybody that think they know me that Im sorry for putting up a front and being the way that would most likely fit your needs. Know that I am beginning to trust more people and that Im going to allow more people to know of my faults and errors. I am human. Speaking to God is one way great way to solve your problems; but there are times when I need more of a concrete counsel. God will always be my first solution; however, there will be more times when I could count on new trusted friends for advice.
Get ready to know me, the real me.
So I heard this really cool song by Gabe Bondoc. Its called Stronger Than. I cant seem to stop listening to it. To me this is what it means:
Basically, youll never know when it hits you; at least when you find her. Or maybe you already know her, you just keep denying your feelings. Youre what ifs and what nots are not going to impress her. Dont deny how you feel and just accept it. If you like a person then face the truth, you like that person whether you are already seeing somebody or that person is already seeing somebody. You cant deny it. If that person you like is not feeling the exact way you feel if not better than you do for her than she does for him, then she deserves better. She deservers better; she deserves you. Switch it around now. If you are already seeing somebody, if you dont have the same feelings if not better feelings than the way you feel for her than you feel for the one youre seeing, then you deserve better, you deserve her. Unfortunately, in situations like these, you have a decision to make. Somebodys heart is going to have to be broken; yours, hers, or his. This is how I feel to an extent. The words of the chorus keep ringing through my mind:
I swear Im stronger than these emotions, but theyre taking over me
Just remember what you deserve, if not what you deserve, remember what she deserves. If you honestly believe she deserves better or if you honestly believe that you deserve better, then she deserves you and you deserve her.
Forms of expression. Ive been really emotional on the inside lately. Nobody knows as usual. This very small form of depression is taking its toll on me. Im getting chubby. Thats just one of the few things... but not anymore. Forms of expression have come to me. Pick up from where you left off. Its one thing to bottle up feelings, emotions, and love; but its another story when you deny it. Forms of expression. Im getting back to my expressions. Still, people wont know of my issues, but Im letting things out personally. Let my anger flow within my workouts, turn that fat into muscle! Most of all, I wrote a few things a while back, and they were so sad... so it made me feel worse on the inside. But I have a new idea for a song. Its a bit more uplifting and resolving. And it makes me feel good on the inside because it is in fact how I feel about many things. Its called Even If. Basically, its a story for all the nice guys that would do anything for somebody they love even if they don't love them back. Sad? No. Hes okay with it and hes saying even if you dont love me, Ill walk with you by and by... Like all my deep inner thoughts, youll probably never hear of it. Maybe Ill post the lyrics later... Forms of expression; let it out.
Oh God, thanks for helping me out once again, I could only wish that I could help you the same way, but nothing I could do could ever repay the amount of love and sacrifice you have given me... and I still go against your word regretful and sorrowful every time. When will I learn? When will I learn...
You know, it doesnt matter if the day was bad or if the day was good, as long as the day was spent. Washington DC was alright, I mean it was a good use of my time. The weather was horrible and even though we all felt horrible throughout the whole day, it felt great to spend some time with the family. I just have to say that spending time with family is one of the many things that I dont get to do as often as I want to do anymore. Makes you wish you could have done more in the past.
Apparently my Lolo had financial problems and had to sell their house that I was staying in. Ill have to commute to Cal Poly everyday which is going to be very hard. Im sure Ill be able to handle all the driving to a certain extent. Theres going to be a point when Im going to crack! Im looking for an apartment to stay at; more preferably at a friends place. Im not sure what Im going to do, all I know is that hopefully things will turn out good in the end. Ill keep praying!
I really miss my friends. I havent been able to hang around them as much as I want to because Im stuck doing a lot of work. Summer school is over and my summer has officially started yet I dont have a lot of time to celebrate with my friends. I need to find time, I need to make time. A reunion is desperately needed right now because its literally been months since the last time I hung out with some of them. I just want to be with the inner circle, nobody else.
God, take these feelings away, they never were meant to be. Or were they? Just take it away please, every time I look; it breaks me. One day, Ill have my own... one day.
... Jared, youre here, but youre not here...
... Jared, youre hardly around anymore...
... Jared, we dont see you that much nowadays...
... Jared, its about time we got to hang out...
Too many people have been saying the same thing to me. Time is a very important thing that everybody needs. God knows I need time. Along with time are your priorities, set your priorities straight. Every once in awhile, time and your priorities get mixed up and there is not enough time to get to all your priorities and you CANT make time. From personal experience, Ive already cut about two hours of sleep a night out so I have more time to do work on things. I miss my friends because I havent been able to hang out with them as much. Barkada E-Board has taken up every Saturday that I have had free for awhile. Friends always come first and before Barkada; however, Ive been concentrating more on Barkada because my friends will ALWAYS be there and they dont mind if I cant make it to an event. On the other hand, Barkada is much more demanding and strict. In any case, friends are still higher on the priorities list.
My main point is that you need to keep your priorities straight as well as keeping your time ready. I have no time, I am a very busy person now. There are some friends that I really miss and if I could hang out with them at 1:30 in the morning right now, Id definitely be willing to sacrifice my sleep.
... I miss the parties, I miss the hang outs, and I miss all that fun... but most of all, I miss that warm feeling of home and my own bed to sleep in...
Sheer optimism. Just look on the bright side of things. There is always an upside to everything. Just be glad. But dont be too optimistic. I am sure that a good number of you dont agree with all the ideals that I have, and even some of the things that I say contradict each other. Im still learning. Im sure many of you are still learning as well. So Ill try to leave optimistically even though there are many negatives. Everythings cool, next time! Hopefully there will be a next time. Lets things optimistically. Id really like that. Make the best of what things are right now, dont make the worst of things. Cause that would be POINTLESS. Unless there are some exceptions....
Lets think optimistically *wink wink*
Youre a good friend Jared... BUT, I want you to be happy...
But am I? I constantly ask the same question over and over again... I say Im happy, and I think I am, but Im not sure. I always have second thoughts about the things I do. Nobody wants people to step all over me. I do have my standards that prevent people from stepping all over me, but usually I let people have it their way. WHY? I do it because I am afraid of disappointment, dissatisfaction, anything negative on the other side. I rather take all the crap and put it on my side for them. So, I really arent always happy with the decisions that I make. EVEN though its the right thing to do, Im not always happy with it. Or is it the right thing to do? There are so many arguments and sides to whether it is right or not. Theres a reason for everything. And shouldnt I be happy for doing the right thing? Unless Im doing the wrong thing. These are just the few things of many things that Im lost with. Why do it for humility? Why always put your so called happiness on the side? Humility is a virtue, simply stated. Thats what Ive believed for a long time, and will most likely will continue to do so. Even for future reference Im probably going to do the same thing over and over again. Things that kill me: Disappointment and guilt..
I never want people to feel disappointed in me and I hate having the feeling of guilt for doing something do others...
Feeling burnt out? I know I am... lets start this lesson...
Just keep things on track. Theres always time for rest but try to keep it at a minimum. I only allow myself eight hours a night even if I was late the night before. Eight hours is more than enough sleep to get you through the day. Keep working on school and make sure that you dont procrastinate even though everybody does. Keep priorities straight, as long as you continue to do that, things will remain in shape. If you havent noticed, it is only when your priorities arent on par is when things go all wrong. My priorities are not in shape right now, Im putting too many things in front of school, more on the lines of free time. Keep your priorities straight, school may not be number one or even close to your priorities, but whatever they are, keep them on top and keep working at it! Otherwise, youll end up like me stressing the night before a HUGE project is due. Im kind of sad thought right now, I have no love interest at the moment. When I made the straw cover into the knot, I had no idea of what girl to think about... cause I had none, its been awhile since I had no interest in any girl, maybe the new freshman? But thats not important, remember, its things like that that make your priorities all crooked.
... if you fill up the jar with too much sand, there wont be enough room for the golf balls...
If youve noticed, my blogs have taken a turn to lessons rather than personal experiences. I like the confidentiality of it this way while still providing lessons that I want people to learn =)
Get back in shape and stop sitting around! Its summer, have a blast! Seriously, theres no need to sit down and be sad and theres no reason to do nothing. Get back into shape. Go out and run! Go out and swim! Go to the beach and have a good time. Try not to worry too much with all the drama. The drama is there granted, but dont waste your summer thinking about it. Sit back and relax, enjoy what time you have. Im not worrying about girls right now and Im not worrying about drama, technically Im worrying about school. Which leads to several important points. Remember to keep your priorities straight. Put things in the front before you worry about something. That being said, get back in shape and stop laying around doing nothing. Your getting fat. Im getting fat. Which is why Im getting back into shape. Enjoy your summer, it is very short. Especially you seniors. My last summer as a senior was definitely memorable and Im making every summer memorable for now on. Try your best to make every moment memorable. Make videos, pictures, albums, etc. whatever it takes to keep the memories. I love making videos (Im in the process of creating a summer video). Find a hobby and do it. Whether its something musical (like what I enjoy doing on my free time) or simple. Just keep going and doing something productive. Always be productive.
That being said, go out and have fun! Happy 4th of July.
So I read this really cool quote that got me thinking the other day, it went as follows: If you love something, let it go, if it comes back to you, its yours. If it doesnt, it never was. A quote by DMX. Shall I explain my two cents upon this topic?
There are many things that you may find to like or maybe even love in this world. But as DMX said, try and let it go. IF that thing that you love truly has the same feelings back to you, then that thing will come back. Now I know that many of you may be thinking that this one thing is a girl or a significant other, but dont always think that way. This thing could be anything. But just for the sake of confusion, lets pretend that this one thing is in fact a significant other. The hardest thing is letting go, and its true. If you have a hard time letting go of that one special someone you may like because of so many coincidences in personality or happenings, then its of no surprise. As I said in a speech a few days ago, just let it go. Can you do it? If it comes back, then its YOURS. Sure, youll be sad if she doesnt come back but be happy that she is going after something that she loves and unfortunately it wont be you. Its the hardest thing, ACCEPTANCE. Accept defeat and accept your losses. Theres not much to evaluate on this quote, its pretty much self explanatory. I just found it very interesting and useful with the many mishaps Ive had in life... it answered me so to speak...
Ive let go of many things in life that I didnt want to, and unfortunately none of them came back. Hopefully in the future I will find something that will...
Spend each day as if its your last. Cause it just might be. Really though. Go out as much as you can, spend each minute you can with someone, become really intimate with the close friends that you have. Life is short, sometimes shorter than expected. Lifes unfair, but fairness is absolutely boring. BE UNFAIR. Give more than you take until you have nothing. Once youve given it all just let it go. Forget the bad times and regret every minute. Live a life of no regrets? I live a life full of regret. I regret not learning this, I regret not saying that, I regret not doing this so now Im going to go do it! DO IT. Always regret cause if you dont you are finished. I dont regret doing [x] cause I never would have been able to do [y] if I did [x]. Well couldnt you have done more for [y]? DO MORE. Youve never done ENOUGH. Never be content. Always be excited! Be anxious. Make fun. Never stand still. Be afraid. Be brave. Lose with effort and win without pride but acknowledge your mistakes. Live life to the fullest, live life with regrets, live life under pressure, and live life under limits and standards. Keep your moral fiber strong and never let it break. Go now and live life like theres not tomorrow full of regret, full of standards, and full of moral fiber. Stay strong my friends...
... be humiliated and truly sorry for everything you have and havnt done...
Wow. Today was our first E-Board meeting. Good stuff. Im really excited for this years board. We are going to have a great year! Hopefully we will be able to meet the expectations of last year and possibly exceed them. I know we can do it. Ive got my work cut out for me along with the rest of the board. My summer is pretty much complete taken up. I mean, theres definitely going to be a lot of fun with Barkada, but I dont want to be completely left out of my old buddies you know? I really want to spend time with my Incredibles and Inner Circle. I guess whatever time I can find Im going to use it spending time with them. Ive got summer school and that doesnt take up too much time, I just have to make sure that I dont procrastinate on my work. The work at VVC is really easy though. Its a huge relief compared to Cal Poly. This summer is going to be really exciting! Everything seems to be going by so fast. A lot of my summer has been spent doing so many things, no time to relax always busy doing something. Then again, thats just how I like it. My cousin Nicolle graduated! Wooo congratulations! We have several grad parties to go to this summer too =). I love summer and the beach!
Jared, its a little unfair. I really think you should reconsider your own feelings before putting others in front of you... for as long as Ive known you, youve been doing this and I dunno... sometimes I cant believe and I dont understand why you do the things you do for them. You give up your own hopes to bring light to others... why? If it makes you feel this way... why?
It was a conversation something like that. Maybe not word for word, but it was something like that. Truth is, I dont know why I do that. I cant seem to be able to do something that I want to do if it causes harm to somebody else regardless of my feelings. Its not peer pressure because I have a strong resistance to some things. But I try, I really do, I go after my own passions but if I see that it hurts somebody else Ill give up cause it just doesnt feel right. I want to be able to be a [ ], I want to be able to [ ], I want [ ], but I refuse to allow myself to even if I can get what I want... why? (Ive left those blank because I dont know what to place in there except in some cases I do know but shall remain in secret...) Cause in almost every case, it bothers somebody else, and I CANT STAND that. Guilt hurts me just as much as disappointment whether its from my family, my friends, or even my so called enemies.
Its all about YOU Jared, its all ABOUT YOU and nobody else...
Yet another conversation with another friend. I thought that I could grasp that concept. He asked me what is the one thing that you want? It took me a long time to answer... and I gave whatever came up at the top of my mind, I said that I wanted to go to Heaven when my life is over... I want my golden ticket. Thats what I want in the end... but I didnt know what I wanted right now... and to tell you the truth, I still dont. And theres just no way it could be all about me... cause how could I expect to leave an impression on everybody if its all about me? If its all about me, where does everybody else fit in? I dunno... I want to go after my own dreams, but sometimes I just have to give it all up... cause I will always believe that its all about you and NEVER about me... Im too selfish. Im sorry bro, I dont think that I can ever truly grasp that concept of yours...
The beach was great. I was so excited to go since its been a long time since I went to the beach. I think it was the first time this year I went to the beach! Crazy! I missed it a lot though. I missed all the BBQs, the bonfires, the smores, the ocean in general, the talks, etc etc. Im going again on Monday with The Incredibles so its going to be a blast since we always make the best of it.
So I start summer school on June 19. I was only able to get two classes though because the transfer credits arent that good with VVC to Cal Poly. Its alright though... Im just going to have to make it up sometime in my years of college. Summers going to be fun! I can feel it. Ive got a good number of plans for summer already with friends, family, and Barkada. And speaking of Barkada...
... banquet was fun! I really had a good time. I wasnt going crazy though, I was acting real chill. My date was cool, and I won some really cool votes! The food was alright... it was like one of those fancy restaurant servings where they give you like a quarter of what you really want for four times the price that its really worth(dont worry though, the food at banquet was free!). I won best dressed for boys, Im not too sure how that happened when I just go to school with a shirt and pants... or do I? =P. Jowee won for girls. I also won freshman of the year. Wow! Along with Lyssa. Aww, Im not going to see her for the rest of summer maybe. So, then we had E-board positions announced. I won for external rep. NICE! So, thirteen positions are as follows:
- Historian: Vince
- External: Me
- MCC: Pat
- BEC: Dom
- Treas: Rhea
- PR: Anne
- Academics: Erin
- Cultrual: Leo
- Social: Jowee
- Sports: Perry
- Sec: Joy
- Vice: Ana
- Pres: Mike
Chad gave me his word. Haha. Well, to a well year! It was fun. Im the youngest E-board member... but dont count me out! Im going to bring some great things to this family.
Argument for the blue book:
Well, there seems to be a bit of controversy about this so called mistake. So I will explain to you why I am CORRECT in claiming that this image is in fact a BLUE BOOK.The argument is based on the following premises:
1) Its not blue
2) Its not a book
Now here is my claim for believing that it is in fact a blue book.
The first premise is that:
1) It's not blue
Well, there is some blue in it, it may not be completely blue, but I would agree that there is some blue. As it does take the two primary colors to make that color, blue being one of them and yellow being the other. But seeing that it could be arguable, I could let that slide with me being 50% accurate...
The second premise is that:
2) It's not a book
WELL, I think I win this one 100%. If you look at the picture, you don't even have to look at it closely, it says in big bold letters [Mini Essay BOOK.] Now I may be wrong, but I think that that evidence is a very reliable reason to believe that it is in fact a book.
So in conclusion, if we add both of these percentages together, I was 75% accurate, since both of these premises make up half of the overall accuracy and I was 50% accurate on the first premise and 100% correct on the second, averaging them out makes me 75% accurate. Now I may be wrong again, but I won the higher half of being correct than incorrect and because you can only be correct or incorrect, I was CORRECT in saying that that is in fact a blue book. If you have any questions feel free to call 1-760(yes Victorville)-IAM-RIGHT =). Good day.
PEACE & Love
I cant do it. I cant take [it] away from [him]. [He] adores [it], and I would be the worst person in the world to steal [it] away... even though I want [it] too, but Im undeserving. I better just let [it] go...
[For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.] I guess that goes with [it] as well. To gain [it], one must lose [it]...
God, please provide me with the graces to let go, even though I dont want to... please, I cant do it... please, break my heart... for them... because Ive made a mistake not knowing the whole situation... but at least whisper for me if you can...
Replay: Whisper Ernie Halter
-Tell me, what kind of man, lets love slip away and leave such a good thing behind?
[hint] think high school...
I find it depressing. One week it’s as if we like each other unable to let go; while the next it’s just like “whatever.” I keep telling myself, “maybe if I keep waiting, the chance will happen,” even though they all tell me, “sorry Jared, as of now you don’t have a chance…” All the while I’m waiting, I’ve passed up chances; but I’m so typical, so stubborn, and so shallow… too many opportunities arise that I pass. And now, I took a chance even though I’m waiting. A while back a friend made a prediction of my future of how I would meet my “dream,” and strange as it was I’m in a situation like that now. I took a chance, a crazy one. I’m tired of waiting, I’m falling asleep as I grasp the light switch. Should I put my hopes in dreams and awake to new ones or continue waiting until the door opens? I think it’s best that I turn out the lights; but I still hesitate to switch it on off…
On a side note: prom was fun.
PACN was quite the experience. Built better bonds, worked under stress, and provided a voice to the community. It felt great to go out there and do it! The feeling was like a long adrenaline rush the whole time! My heart was pumping the whole time, that’s even how I woke up! I’ll never forget all the practices we did and all the hard work that we all had to do to achieve this PACN. To me, this was the most heartfelt and strong PACN regardless of other people’s thoughts because to me, it made my family, friends, and my loved ones proud of all the work we all went through. We all worked as a family to do this, and that is exactly what we are; ohana. And as one of my truly inspiring friends said who actually provided me with counsel: “The hardest things in life get the greatest rewards” and we all worked hard for this and the reward was absolutely amazing. Thanks for the talk; I hardly do those kind of things. May God’s graces go within this new family.
My days have been so repetitious lately. School, practice or BNP, workout, and sleep. Everything begins all over the next day. God is keeping me busy for the next several weeks though. It’s alright though; there have been some really cool events that I’ve done these past weeks.
First there was Facades. I did a piece titled “Products of Society.” Basically it was a monologue/spoken word and through it I spoke my experiences and my goals with the will of God. I was hoping to inspire some people; Marco spoke to me after the event and on the next day telling me that, “I felt it.” It really made me feel good inside. I am being His instrument to spread His teachings.
PACN is coming up on May 21rst. I’m trying to sell tickets to everybody I know. I was originally a doctor, but now I’m a dude who’s “In the closet” or maybe just unsure of his sexuality. Oh man it’s hilarious! I’m a little skeptical about it, but I get a girlfriend in the end, so no need to worry. Besides, it doesn’t matter what other people think in this world so as long as I have my real friends who really know me and of course God leading my life. I want to run for E-Board next year as Marco’s current position: External Representative. We’ll see how that goes. PACN practices are hard and all day…
I missed this event called Joke Night at Stephanie’s church. I really wanted to go but it was my brother’s birthday so I had to go home and spend time with the family, which is totally fine. But I really wanted to hang out…
JoJo’s dance event called Ultimate Brawl is coming up; everybody is going so I’m going to go too. I’m sure it’s going to be fun. I haven’t hung out with all those kids in awhile so I kind of miss them. I really miss my inner circle as usual though. We need a reunion; the last time was when we went searching for cheesecake…
The BNP has been my time of peace in the week. Tuesdays I go to Ultrea to hear the sharings and basically learn of everybody’s experiences. Apparently I might be going with a girl there to Prom. I’m sure it’s going to be fun; I remember my prom nights. I’ll show her a good time. I go there whenever there is an event just to be refreshed. I wish that I could go there more often though…
By the way, yes, there is a girl I like right now. I always highlight her name in my phonebook but I can’t seem to press the dial button. I can’t help but hesitate to call because I don’t want to say the wrong things or bother her you know? She inspires me to play the piano whenever I have free time. The worst part is that I don’t even know her that well. I wish I could just ask her to lunch or something so that she could get to know me and I could get to know her. Rather than just hanging out during events… I’m hoping to ask her to Banquet even though I know she’s so busy… I’m probably not in her thoughts right now so I doubt if she’s going to read all the way down this blog; I’m not that worried about writing this. I better take a chance… I wonder if she’s busy right now… I’m going to text or call her right now, hopefully she’ll pick up =).
PEACE & Love
This has been the most spiritual enlightening week of my life…
… would you believe me if I told you I was touched by God? Both spiritually and physically? Yes physically... well, actions speak louder than words and hopefully you, all my friends, have been noticing the radical changes in my life…
… and I pray to you my brothers and sisters, that you may find the light to follow your heart to enlightenment; many of you don’t realize that time is running out… our Lord will come back again to cleanse this earth…
… yes I am talking about the end of the world….
… are you ready? I hope you are, but I should tell all of you, I’m praying for the safety of your souls. The only reason why there is sorrow on this Earth is because of sin, and the only reason why there is sin on this Earth is because of us…
… why are we sad? Are you happy WILLFULLY going against the will of God? Do you feel good abusing your body? Do you feel right avoiding blessings by not receiving the sacraments of communion and reconciliation? My friends let me tell you something…
… the devil is beautiful; yes, not ugly, but beautiful. He has taken our hearts and tricked us with temptation and “the easy” ways out of situations. Try your best to avoid and not fall under the trance of his beauty because IT IS SO STRONG, so mind grabbing, and so hurtful in the end…
… my brothers and sisters, are you ready to embrace God? When He asks you the question, “What have you done, in honor of me?” Do you know what you can say? I don’t know guys…
… I love you kids with all my heart. Sometimes, you would have no idea that I even have a relationship with Him. But I tell you, He guides me everyday and He is the reason why I go on. I pray for you; because I am worried…
… please understand, that I am very worried. I shouldn’t be, but sometimes when I sit in the corner doing homework and studying, I observe so many simple actions that go against his will; cursing, drinking excessively, smoking, disrespect…
… I tell you to stop. I always imagine another nail hammered into His son and that he goes through all that pain FOR US. It makes me cry, it makes me weep, it despairs me. This week was for Him and I hope that He was in your mind even for a simple minute for you to do something of His will…
Peace & Love to you, all my brothers and sisters…
So where did I go during this three day weekend? I went on a Church retreat… first off, let me introduce myself the BNP way:
I am your brother in Christ, Brother Jared Falcis. VERY fortunate to have graduated from the Banal Na Pag-Aaral Panawagan Class number 59 held on March 31 to April 2 2006 at the BNP House Of Prayer In Ontario, CA UNDER THE GRACE OF GOD!!
So I thought that this was just going to be another “Confirmation 3 Retreat.” And of course I was wrong. I loved my confirmation 3 retreat, and I definitely loved this retreat. I experienced similar feelings from both but I felt that my overall feeling and strength for God was much more intimate and stronger in this retreat. This was an all boys retreat so there could be no distractions from the main purpose of this retreat; to get to know the BNP and to become closer to God.
Let me tell you. I know some of you are all like, “Oh all boys… how boring.” Well you lost the point of the retreat then. The things that happened at this retreat were LIFE CHANGING! I have NEVER… I’ll repeat NEVER had feelings after a retreat as strong as I do now; not even after the confirmation 3 retreat (though that was a blast!). Oh my God… I just received so many new Brothers in Christ. There ARE people just like me with the same problems and we all shared our experiences. We had MANY rollios, talks, and discussions along with activities. The food was bomb(or so I heard since I gave up meat for lent). But I can’t possibly tell you everything I felt and everything I did this retreat because there just is no way to explain it. REALLY. You have to learn it for yourself. And I want to share these feelings with you and all my friends, so I AM NOT afraid to tell the world about how I felt at this retreat.
The purpose of life is to know, love, and serve God. I know God, I love God, and I am most definitely ready to serve God.
Many thanks go out to my brothers… my new brothers in Christ. We were all ballin’; no need to be ashamed of it. More than once too. During the Calvary and while we spoke to Mahal Na Ingkong. Let’s continue our faith and I hope to see you again soon… Thanks definitely go out to the servers. I met some of my old family members and some new friends. You guys really gave your hearts. Without you guys, this retreat would not have been possible. You’ve inspired me to become a server as well… The Rectors… oh my God you guys are great. Thank you Brother Ace, thank you Brother Nino, thank you Brother Ashley. You’ll never know how much you’ve changed my life. Thanks for everything. I only had a glimpse of what you all had to go through to help me and my brothers. And you know WE LOVE YOU TOO. And we’ll always miss you. I already do! It’s weird!! But cool. You’re my inspirations. Brother Ace man, I’m still waiting for a pick up line battle! Haha. But most of all, I cannot forget to thank Ate Salve. I have never met her personally, but I definitely want to someday. That day will be soon hopefully. Without Ate Salve, none of this would have been possible along with the fact that there would not even be a BNP. So I must thank her for everything. Thank you Ate Salve and may God Bless you even more than he already has! Anyways, I have so much more to say but I have school tomorrow at eight in the morning. Love you guys, you all can always count on me if you ever need help. Just let me know. Peace Out. Don’t forget to say your prayers and give your graces… “Can’t Stop… Won’t stop...”
I miss my friends way too much right now. I mean, MORE THAN EVER. God, I mean, having a whole bunch of things to do, stress all over the place, feels like I have nobody. Even though I have a lot of people, I just want to be with my friends again. I want to go stargazing, I want to go to V-town just to mess around. Go running around in the sprinklers and playing hide and go seek in the grocery stores. Run around the parking lot while being pushed in shopping carts into trucks and playing man hunt while forgetting about people who are hiding. I want to play freeze tag in the middle of the night and have those long walks in the dark knowing that we’re SAFE walking around. We can’t do that here in Pomona, you might get shot or something. Let’s go look for some buried treasure or just lie around in a Van. Let’s crack some jokes and pick up lines and talk about everybody we know. Figure out whose day it is because it’s never going to be mine. But if it were my day, I’d just want to hang out with you guys. Let’s go play some instruments or even sing on the karaoke. Let’s sneak into rated R movies even though we’re legal. Let’s TAKE PICTURES AT SCANDIA PLEASE!! Run around the golf course playing tag. Let’s play tennis and hit each other! Let’s go trash can surfing. Just kidding to both of those. Let’s watch movies and wrestle! Let’s forget about school because “we don’t need first period!!.” Let’s DANCE in the moonlight! At prom, as Unison, at winter formal, clubs, homecoming. OH man it doesn’t matter! Just having good ol’ times and having a blast. Having water fights and falling asleep in cars looking up at the moon roof when it’s too cold because we love the starts THAT MUCH. Let’s get lost while walking in the middle of the night and not even worry about it. Who wants to be my date? You’ll have to buy the food though… Let’s go to Ontario, Rancho, anywhere! I’ll even let you guys do the rock on me… maybe. Let’s hide in our secret spot that makes us happy. Forget about our troubles. Let’s just keep reminiscing about the millions of things that we haven’t mentioned because it seems that all we have now are memories… Woompa guys, woompa… =(
His Will
Well, these past few days have been quite something! I don’t usually write blogs in quick succession but I felt that I just had to with all that has happened in such a short amount of time. Let’s start with Ambiance!
So I made four poems/spoken words for it. I personally enjoyed all of them that I wrote. Two of them were funny, one was for opening, and one was REALL EMO! I decided not to read it for the sake of the crowd. Not all the people who I wanted to be there to hear mine were there… but it was all good! Then there were the singers. Great kids. As always, musically talented kids always inspire me. I actually have started (though not much success) writing my own song! Rock on huh? It’s on the piano since that’s the only instrument I know how to play and its HARD trying to attempt to sing and play at the same time! Not to mention that it only sounds good sometimes. Maybe I’ll try it out next time we have a night like that (which may be awhile…). But overall, I had a good time. APITG has really had its effects on me!
Now let’s talk about Lent. I’ve decided to give up myspace (except on Saturdays) and all meat (except fish and eggs). I think it’s going to be hard, but I’m doing it for Him! I know I could do so much more too, like totally give up on myspace. Even a lot of my friends are telling me, “You know Jared, you could do something more like making yourself a better person… blah blah blah.” Dude, I just have to say I agree with you, but beside the point, Lent you are supposed to give something up. I gave that up and I am also planning to go to Church whenever possible. The BNP is planning to have mass every night during Lent; that’s where I plan to be! Besides, I love God; he’s a really cool guy. He’s the reason why I wake up every morning!
In addition to that, I went to the BNP for Lent. I felt bad because I met a lot of family I haven’t seen in a long time and they were like, “Oh! Jared is that you? Do you remember me?” and I was like, “ehhh…..” I felt bad. It’s alright! I’m beginning to get to know my family once again! I want to join the youth so badly. They seemed a little stuck up at first… sorry if I was mean. But then again, I was also kinda quiet so whatever. I DO want to hang out again though! I plan to join their class towards the end of March for a retreat. It’s going to be fun! I’m really excited for this Lent!
Well school has been a real life taker for me. I haven’t had any sleep at all this quarter and THANK GOD it’s almost over! But I still have several reports to do along with studying for finals and practicals. But Barkada is keeping me busy as well. So many events I can’t keep up with it all! But, I’ve been controlling myself instead of the other way around. I’ve missed out on several events in order for me to catch up on school. They’re expecting me to be part of E-board next year… I dunno about that. But anways, Sports Fest is coming up! I’m playing volleyball. Overall, I think that our team has gotten a million times better!
Anyways, there is A LOT more going on right now, but I have to get back to doing my homework. Just wanted to write down the crash course of my life as of now. Stay cool.
On Replay: I Love You, Goodbye//Nina
So as of yesterday, I attended this banquet of Stephanie’s Church. This event was called, “The Passion and Purity Banquet.” Basically, it was about who, what, where, when, why, and how to be with “the right person” on different perspectives. The message was strong and the overall feeling I received was very pure (heh, hence the title). I met a new youth group; REALLY NICE group of kids. Granted, they told me not to feel awkward, but that couldn’t really be helped. After all, I was in a room full of people who knew each other but I didn’t. It’s alright though, I felt very welcomed with these guys. I had a hard time remembering all the names, too many to count. There were several testimonials and Stephanie sang a song with this one guy (YES I forgot his name). And when they were singing the songs, I had no idea what the lyrics were or even how the song went, but I kind of was able to guess how the melody went so I just sang with my instincts with the lyrics up. The food was delicious! They thought I was being sarcastic when I said that, but hey, it was good. I chilled for a little bit after the whole event with some of the other youths. I was invited to go hang out with them again on the next time they meet; I want to, but we’ll see how that goes… I definitely was inspired after this event; I want to write another spoken word now. I could go more in depth, but I’m tired, I just want to sleep. So I’m going to head to bed…
… and just for the record, IT WAS NOT A DATE. I told you guys, I have no idea why y’all were getting all worked up about it, I told you I was going as one of her guests, most likely there will be other guests as well.
Question: A similar question as the past several times: Would you rather have everything perfect? Or everything comfortable? Perfection or Comfort.
Well, the stress isn’t necessarily over and school is still taking over my life. I finally got a day when I just sat at home, relaxed, and did nothing. Seriously, I needed one of those days.
Anyways, so my friends have always called me “Jared the Heartbreaker.” I guess it suits me… and yes, it is bad. I’ve always pictured my dream girl, the “one” so to speak, and if I find someone who I don’t see as the “one,” then I won’t see myself with them. No I’m not trying to be conceited or anything like that at all, just trying to display a point that I’ve found that I’ve broken a lot of hearts. All these girls who crush on me, who find me attractive, who actually like me for who I am, I end up breaking their hearts because I can’t see the “one” in them. Is that so bad of me? Is it really bad for me to wish for the “one”? I don’t intend to break their hearts, I wish we could just be friends, I wish that we could be like family, I wish that you never crushed on me so that I could never hurt you. No this isn’t aimed for anybody in particular, just the sweet ones whom I’ve hurt. There are a number of you and I am sorry. Truly very sorry. And I will know just how you feel, when I find the “one” who will reject me; I’ll be a heartbroken heartbreaker.
But I have to look at this through both points. A lot of you may be asking, “Well, what is wrong with me? Are you so stuck up that I don’t reach your standards?” Well, no, there is nothing wrong with you based on your standards and there is nothing wrong with you based on anybody’s standards. Please understand there is nothing wrong with you; what I mean to say is that everybody has a preference. I have a preference and you’re probably just not my type of girl. “Well, I’m willing to change for you…” DON’T! Please don’t change, find another guy who would like you for who you are. If you’re not happy with the way you are then go ahead and make a change, but that won’t make you a better person; that will only make you more satisfied with yourself. If you’re happy with yourself, then find someone who will be happy for yourself as well. Reality wise, there is no better person; religiously wise, a better person is one who is closer to God. The more closer you are to God, the closer you are to Heaven. But we have to look at this realistically, so please realize that nobody is better than anybody else. A whore may see her pimp as the greatest person in the world as he provided her with warmth, love, care, and shelter; however, others may see him as dirty for his business. There is nothing wrong with you, just not my type of girl, not my type of preference, but one who I may get along with. Sorry once again.
Question: Would you rather have you’re dream girl? Or your soul mate? Basically, would you rather have a girl who is everything you’ve every wanted? Or the one who can relate to every possible experience you’ve had with theirs?
On Replay: Comfortable//John Mayer
My timing isn’t very good at all. But I guess that’s what makes me Filipino =P. Seriously though, when it comes to girls, I’m way off. I mean, it’s like everything seems to happen really late, and then I have to catch up with more than I can handle and end up losing it all. Hahaha, it’s a little difficult to explain. I’m just like whatever, how can I lose something that I’ve never had in the first place? Just anticipation… I can’t wait though for the future. In the oxymoronically stated words of Richard, “Let’s plan to be spontaneous.” I think I should plan on a specific date instead of being spontaneous… Let’s give it a shot…
Our PCN for Barkada is coming up I think in March… I was asked to tryout for a couple of the dances… one in particular is the bahag(sp?). Time for me to go on a diet! “Go on the special K diet and lose 6 lbs. in two weeks…” Wish me luck on that one. I really can’t wait for PCN. I’m definitely trying out for dances, acting is still pending.
My Incredibles are great. Been having a lot of fun with them lately. Loving our California burritos guys! And our fight night and fusion frenzy, you all had to form an alliance between all of you just to beat me in Odd One Out… and I still won =P. A lot of them went to the PI; you know Linette was on Wowowee? Hahaha, it was hilarious. I probably would have done the same thing if I was there, “Sinong Tatay Mo…” AND we’re all planning to go snowboarding on Friday! Rock on! I want to get my own gear, but that’s money. I’ll probably wait until off season.
School is doing alright. Man, I’ve been working like 24/7 studying. This weekend was a real chill weekend, but I’ve got my work ahead of me tomorrow. I might pull an all-nighter. We’ll see what happens. I feel confident for 4/6 of my classes. My main concern is in English. English I’m doing horrible as I’ve pretty much failed my first two homework assignments… I won’t say that it’s ok, because it really isn’t. I have no idea what happened, I read and studied but still received low grades. However, I’m very fortunate to find that my grade is mainly focused on three essays and an exam. So two homework assignments shouldn’t affect me too much. All my other classes are A’s. I’m going for a 4.0 this quarter! Rock on! I have my work ahead of me like I said…
Oh man Myspace. Lately I’ve been getting a lot of random friend requests. I’ve received two from these people with like thousands of friends. I usually accept requests, I wonder if these kids actually stay in touch with who they asked? Seriously, from my past experiences with random requests, very few ever left me a comment. I’m just about ready to delete the random ones who never left me a single comment or message. In fact I’m going to do it, just as soon as I update all my other stuff. I want to put up my favorite music, books from college, about me… and new pictures. All my pictures seem to make me look fat, and I’m not. I’m not exactly cut, but I’m definitely not fat. Hahaha. Lately I’ve been listening to a lot of, I won’t say real because all hip-hop is real, I won’t say true hip-hop because you can’t fake it, I’ll say lyrically gifted hip-hop. I’m loving the phrases, sounds, rhythm, and feeling of the words being expressed through voice. I’m listening to a lot of that Talib Kweli, Fugees, Lauryn Hill, The Roots, and all of that nice Jazz. I want to put that on Myspace… Hahaha what am I doing talking about Myspace? I have to get working on it sometime.
Oh what a life. So simple, yet so complex. So that I don’t violate the law in Philosophy, by simple I mean in comparison to the outside, by complex I mean in comparison to the inside. Both tied to the human individual. Peace, Love, and Hip-Hop…
On a side note, I want to learn how to write songs. I want to become lyrically blessed and musically gifted. I want to leave a nice impression on those who want to hear. Which is why I’m in APITG eh? Hahaha, I’ll let you know how that is going…
And I love God. He’s a cool guy. He really has been answering my prayers lately. Heh. What does He have in store for me next?
It’s going to be a killer quarter. I have no time for food and no time for studying. Actually, I do have time for studying, more like no more time for fun. God help me.
“Of A, B, C, and Z, Z wanted the perfect (as in “preference”) A, the better than average B, or be comfortable with C. A never noticed Z since Z was at the end and C just wasn’t working out. B took a chance on Z and began a connection… Z still wished for the perfect A but gave up on trying. Time passed and Z and C are friends, Z and B are getting close… and A began noticing Z. Now should Z break B and take a chance on A, give up on A, or sieze the moment with C?”
“Jared, what’s the point of your story?
“Well, while A was noticing Z, B was crying, C was just having fun, and Z was lost, U and I came together, X and Y got married and had some kids, and J and P were just playing…”
“I’m lost…”
“I guess that’s why I’m J and you’re Z”
Sometimes, stories don’t have to make sense to brighten another person’s day; just as long as they laugh and smile… but with all jokes aside and before the first response, were you able to answer Z’s question? Seriously.