I am now happy I am

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I am now happy. I am now comforted. I am now great. I am now good. I am now relaxed... I am now HAPPY.


... I am also scared, but you know, I did get FIFTEEN hours rest; Go figure!

School isnt the only thing either =)


I pulled an all nighter last week on Thursday night. No sleep there. On Friday was the Christmas Party at the PR house; that lasted late but I went home early; still, I stayed up late packing and yet again got no sleep since I had to wake up really early. Ski trip was this whole weekend so obviously on both days, I had no sleep.

The funny part is when I slept Monday night, my Dad called me and said WAKE UP JARED! Youve been sleeping all day! And I got MAD because there was no sun out and when I checked the clock it was 5:00 and shouted back saying DAD! Its 5:00 in the morning!! And my Dad responded by shouting JARED! Its 5:00 in the AFTERNOON! And I was just thinking Oh my God... I cant believe that I slept for 15 hours. Ive never done that before; and even more embarassing for the whole entire day of Dec 12th, I didnt see any sun at all. Its like, where did the day go?