Vegas trip

Friday, December 23, 2005

I just returned from Vegas today with Sammy, DeeJ, and Ryan for Sammy’s 21rst birthday. I just have to say that it was a lot of fun; definitely more fun than anticipated… and I anticipated a lot of fun. We write blogs mainly to serve as a journal to record our inner most thoughts and feelings; however, at the same time, we hope others will read it… with that mentality in mind, It’s difficult for me to write all that I wish to say. In the course of this trip, three of the highlights I experienced would be God (what?? In Vegas??), self realization, and counsel… along with immeasurable amounts of fun!

God saved my life this weekend, or at least prevented me from getting a serious injury. We were chilling at a red, left turn stop light. It had just turned green but Sammy was preoccupied getting a CD I think. So I said, “Sammy green, Sammy green, Sammy green!!” several times. It took us a couple of seconds stopped at the green light before we began to move forward. Right before we were about to go, a car zooms quickly and closely past us (from the right side of the intersection, he was making a left and tried to catch the yellow). If not for Sammy being preoccupied, we probably would have been T-boned on my side (Aray ko!). I think this was God telling Sammy not to go yet… saving me… I was tripping out unnoticeably this entire weekend thanking God I was alive. I’m so thankful now for everything he has given me…

I also realized several things this weekend, one being my place in society. I felt that I brought down the mood of the trip because I gave some attitude refusing to drink some alcohol. I didn’t mean too… but they understood. Still had a great time bowling though! I don’t really have anybody who I can “connect” with. I mean, I saw connections being made from Ryan and DeeJ because of similar interests and characteristics with other people… I have found NOBODY who could probably see where I’m coming from… it would be awesome to look into the eyes of a girl who is similar to me in countless ways. I know there are a couple of girls who are similar to me; I just haven’t met them yet. I got some counsel about “yin and yang” from my buddies, but I couldn’t provide feedback… not to say I didn’t understand, but that they really don’t seem where I’m coming from and I know I can’t explain where I’m coming from… I really do appreciate them trying to help out thought. I’m not saying that their opinions aren’t helping me because they really are. I know it sounds like my weekend was no good, but you have no idea how much of a great time we had! I love these guys… too bad some of us were missing though.

Overall… a great weekend; in fact, we’re already planning another one! I just finished Myspacing and I discovered many things. Some things made me happy, some made me sad, but I still hope for the best… right, just hope for the best…

Current Mood//EXTREMELY HAPPY!! but now oddly broken
On Repeat//I thought she knew Nsync