Stay Strong

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Spend each day as if its your last.  Cause it just might be.  Really though.  Go out as much as you can, spend each minute you can with someone, become really intimate with the close friends that you have.  Life is short, sometimes shorter than expected.  Lifes unfair, but fairness is absolutely boring.  BE UNFAIR.  Give more than you take until you have nothing.  Once youve given it all just let it go.  Forget the bad times and regret every minute.  Live a life of no regrets?  I live a life full of regret.  I regret not learning this, I regret not saying that, I regret not doing this so now Im going to go do it!  DO IT.  Always regret cause if you dont you are finished.  I dont regret doing [x] cause I never would have been able to do [y] if I did [x].  Well couldnt you have done more for [y]?  DO MORE.  Youve never done ENOUGH.  Never be content.  Always be excited!  Be anxious.  Make fun.  Never stand still.  Be afraid.  Be brave.  Lose with effort and win without pride but acknowledge your mistakes.  Live life to the fullest, live life with regrets, live life under pressure, and live life under limits and standards.  Keep your moral fiber strong and never let it break.  Go now and live life like theres not tomorrow full of regret, full of standards, and full of moral fiber.  Stay strong my friends...

... be humiliated and truly sorry for everything you have and havnt done...